Monday, June 8, 2009

Little Town

What is it about this town. Is it different then any other? Yes but in a good way. People are always happy and just are nice to each other. Every now and then their are those fights but people are usually apologizing after it's over. It's their way of being mad at someone in this town. No their isn't because it is just a fun place to be.

It is fun and exciting and it's like a law that must enjoy it. It has no stress and it just is a fun place to be. It makes people happy and thrilled to live their. That is what makes it a fun and happy place to be.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Someone near me

I see someone coming towards me. I don't know what to do. What do I say to the person? How do I look at it? But then I realize it's someone I know. Someone who I can learn from. It's people that I care about more then anyone. It's my family coming home from going on a trip. I am so happy.

I am so excited to see them. They always make me happy. They make me smile and laugh and have fun and just to be able to see them is a great feeling. At first I didn't know. But as they got closer I was just jumping for joy. That is what makes me smile. It is my family.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Twice Taken

“Twice Taken” Susan Beth Preffer

My reactions to this book have topped almost any other book I ever read in my life. Theirs shocking, surprising, happy, and sad. This book is also intense, exhilarating and so much more. It was one of the best books I ever read in my life. It is something im not used to reading and it was great to I believe change a story type. I mean “Twice Taken” was that good.

I had a lot of emotions because the book was like a wave of emotions. It was like one moment Amy was happy living with her dad then all of a sudden she moves in with her mother and the emotions change. I mean all the leis her father told her was just shocking. From her name to her birthday to her mother dying it was like being almost spit in the face by someone. That is how sad it was to hear all of this.

This book was so intense because in the court room once the judge was making the decision on where Amy can live I didn’t know what happened. I mean she hasn’t mind living with her father all of her life but at the same time she has had 11 years taken away from her mother. It would be a tough decision for me to decide where someone lives. Amy was real angry and sad that she had to live with her mother and make no contact with her dad. I can’t blame her because she knows her dad kidnapped her but he did everything well for her. He watched her really well which kind of showed he was responsible. But I think she needed to give her mother a chance.
The many reactions for me on this book are incredible. The book was just that good. It was fun to read something different instead of a sports novel or sports book. I definitely will be reading more books like this then I did before. It takes your emotion into the book and it feels like you can’t let go of it. That is how good it was.

Buddha Boy

Buddha Boy “Kathe Koja”

My reaction to Buddha Boy was kind of cheesy because almost in every the story the kid that gets made fun of winds up being great friends with everyone and it just seems like the same thing over and over again. Im not saying that he should be made fun of the whole book or be made fun of at all. It’s just the story after a while winds up sounding the same. That is the only disappointing thing about all of it.

Buddha Boy did make me learn a lesson. Respect others the way they should be respected. The reason why are people don’t have to be treated the way others treat people. It can make people feel bad about them. That would definitely not be the best thing or the wisest choice.

I do like thought that finally someone did realize there was nothing wrong with him at the end. They finally realized he was normal and they should have realized that at the end. And they did but the problem was that they pretty much judged a book by its cover which is definitely not the way to go. You can’t judge someone by the way they look. You have to get to know them better.

That is what made the book good and bad. I would kind of make troubled kids who make fun of people read this book. It will teach them a lesson. I also believe they would stop bullying because there is no reason for it at all.

The Backfield Package

My reaction to the end of the book “The backfield package” was shock and surprise. I thought this book was great because it kept me on the edge of my seat. It made me know what stress is also like a lot more. I also didn’t realize that preparing for a football game was so much work. Going to the gym, prepping and getting motivated for it is a lot of work as well.
I was shocked in this book because the Cardinals go to the championship and lost. They were looking so good in the season and through out the tournament. To come so close and so far like you don’t expect that from a team you have a lot of confidence in. I thought they would win but they couldn’t come up big this time. That is what makes things so tough.
I was also surprised because the way the Cardinals lost was bad. They lost when they were at the Panthers one yard line but time ran out. They couldn’t get that last play off. Those loses are just tough to even look at. You feel bad because they got so far to try and score and it’s like not being able to cut through the rope at the finish line and then falling over. That is what makes sports so tough. That is why I was surprised in the end.
Those feelings are what I feel about the book. I would suggest to people who like sports. It kept me into it and I would definitely read it again. It was so good and I was just happy on how it turned out. When I first read it I had second thought but it got so good I couldn’t just read it in school. I read some during vacation as well. That is how good it is. I may also want to read it again.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Staying Home but not

Why am I staying home? Am I really sick? Or does it have something to do with being bullied or made fun of? Why do I get made fun of or picked on. It is sad to do that to someone. What is the point of it gets you nowhere. You wanna be cool or you want to take your anger out on somewhere. That is how life is for people sometimes. But the point is why? Why must people have to deal with that? It just happens.

But why does it happen? People get their fun out of it maybe. Others just do it because they are around bad people. Whatever it is it isn't necessary for it. Some have feelings or get hurt. That is how I felt when I was younger. I wasn't made fun of or mocked. But I saw others and it hurts.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Map Poem On the court Based on the book "The Game"

What is like to be on the court. That last second shot. The hero at the end of the game everyone cheering for you. The book "The Game" shows it. It can be stressful and at the same time great because if you take that last shot or be the hero and make a great defensive play you will feel like your number one. But what happens if you are not the hero? What if you are the opposite you are the one who gets fooled and looses the game. Anything can happen you just never know.

Many players have done stuff like that. Larry Bird, Patrick Ewing, Lebron James, Kobe Bryant, Shaq, Walt Clyde Frazier, Karl Malone, John Stockton, Reggie Miller, Dr J Julius Erving, Michael Jordan, John Starks, The list goes on and on and it has happened to everyone. They have made the big shot but have been well the looser. It is a tough game to play. Your momentum and energy all at one is just a lot to handle. That is what makes the game tough.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

How to become a smart decision?

How to become someone that makes smart decisions doesn't always rely on the people telling you what to do and stuff. You must rely on yourself to make wise choices. Why is that so important? Well if u can't make a obvious decision how can you basically handle anything almost. If someone told you to jump off a bridge or to eat dirt would you do it?

Those choices are something no one should have a problem with. But what makes a tough decision because not everything out their is so simple. Especially for teenagers. A lot goes on in high school and well decision making is somewhat tough. Should I do the drug or should I go to the party or so on. Those are examples of what goes on. It's a tough job and a tough world out their.

Sometimes it can be scary for people. People have anxiety or even commit suicide cause of peer pressure and things like that. It's alto to think about. Those are some of the choices in a teenagers life and like I said it is not easy. Especially in this world today it's not really easy doing anything. But people should know right from wrong.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

My book

I got to finish my book over break. The book I read was "Game"by Walter Dean Myers. I thought it was a great book because it shows people how to be a team. It was about a boy named Drew who lives in a not so great neighborhood. He lets basketball get things off his mind until new kid named Thomas moves to his area and the coach thinks hes the best. It affects the team but in the end they all become friends That is what makes a team great.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Is reading good?

I believe that reading is not a bad thing at all. I think it is very helpful in life because it helps you understand ways of maybe talking to people. It can be a fun hobby for some people. For people who aren't from certain countries it can help you learn or get better at a new language. Reading can also inspire people because sometimes books can have an effect on people's lives and can also portray something similar to your life maybe. Their are so many books out their as well that there is a book for everyone which makes it so great. People also don't realise it but they are reading almost every minute of their lives. People can be reading signs, ads, and even song titles or TV titles. People don't just have to read books. Their are magazines, newspapers, articles on computers. That is what makes reading great. People can also help you read if you have a problem reading. Their are book clubs and also learning centers that help you read. And if your reading a book you don't then you can choose a new one which is great because their are so many choices.