Thursday, March 12, 2009

Staying Home but not

Why am I staying home? Am I really sick? Or does it have something to do with being bullied or made fun of? Why do I get made fun of or picked on. It is sad to do that to someone. What is the point of it gets you nowhere. You wanna be cool or you want to take your anger out on somewhere. That is how life is for people sometimes. But the point is why? Why must people have to deal with that? It just happens.

But why does it happen? People get their fun out of it maybe. Others just do it because they are around bad people. Whatever it is it isn't necessary for it. Some have feelings or get hurt. That is how I felt when I was younger. I wasn't made fun of or mocked. But I saw others and it hurts.


  1. I find it interesting that you made it more of a questioning the person type thing instead of saying what you might do.

  2. This piece was sweet. It has a caring voice and I like the empathy. It questions why people stay home due to bullying and why it is unnecessary. I think this has a really strong voice and good opinion. One of my favorite parts was how yo questioned everything in the beginning and throughout your piece.

  3. I thought this piece was good. I like the questioning throughout the whole piece.

  4. i thought that this piece was quite different. I think that the questions you asked made your piece more stronger compared to others. I made me question myself as to why i stay home. It was a good piece.

  5. It is interesting that you were questioning everything throughout the piece.
